Thank you!


It’s Monday, sunny and warm. Just thought you would like to know. 🙂

I have had two “good” days, which means that I don’t feel sick and I only have spurts of energy and then none and little aches here and there – Thank you Lord! 🙂 I prefer no energy to feeling sick any day. But I would like none of this. LOL!  I am also stoked that my ten day period finally stopped! Insert happy dance.

So this post is meant for you, my friends and family. 🙂

I don’t believe that I have thanked you all enough for your love and support through this. Some of you have cleaned my house, brought us dinner, made the meal plan happen, drove my kids where they needed to go, brought a gift, sent a card, called, e-mailed, facebooked a message, rubbed my back, or arm, took time to call my husband and ask how he is doing, took care of my kids by listening or hanging out with them, made my husband go out with you, invited me to things knowing that I might not make it, (because honestly it is a day at a time) :), stayed with me because William wasn’t home, and we have been blessed financially not just with funding for the bills but taken care of with the everyday life things like keeping my kids in dance as an outlet, feeding them, loving them, praying for them and us.

I am so blessed by you all! I want to write all these thank you letters and notes and at one time I was really good at that but now I truly suck at it. So please, please know that I am so thankful that you have just taken over with your generosity, love, compassion, kindness. (Is your head getting big yet?) Just kidding. 🙂 I have had to learn to accept help and not feel guilty. I am the caretaker, and to receive that at the level I am getting it is overwhelming, in a good way. 🙂

I pray that the Lord will bless you, keep you safe, healthy and strong. Whatever life may be throwing your way remember that you are loved and you will get through it. You are beautiful or handsome and I am happy to have you in my life!

Have a wonderful day!




  1. Mary Ann Casados | June 9, 2014 at 8:25 pm

    I wish I was closer so I could do more, your in my thoughts and prayers daily.

  2. Nichole Lacy | June 9, 2014 at 8:32 pm

    MUAH!!! So glad today is a good day sister:-)

  3. Lee Cortina | June 9, 2014 at 9:28 pm

    Love you my friend

  4. Marcia Casados Ricke | June 9, 2014 at 9:41 pm

    Love you Tamika stay strong I pray for you and your family daily the are a very handsome group I might add.

  5. Katiera Edwards | June 10, 2014 at 1:23 am

    Love you sister and I am glad your day is good


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