Thank You & Merry Christmas


Hello Family and Friends!

I have been meaning to send out a card or letter over these past few months and I wanted to personally write each and every one but I had over a hundred to write and the task right now is difficult for me and a little overwhelming, so please forgive me for sending out a digital letter.

As you know, this past year was a difficult year and a blessed year put together.  My husband was questioning if I was even going to be here eight months ago and here I am celebrating my life but yours as well.

You supported me through my moment of crisis and invested in my well being.  You took care of my family and that is what helped me really pull through.  To know that my family was being taken care of and loved on helped me to get the rest I needed and not worry so much about them.  My kids knew they were loved and I can’t imagine what they were going through but they were able to put all of their feelings into dance, they had an outlet to help them and my husband was loved on and supported and for that I truly thank you.  You are what makes this world a better place.  Your kindness and willingness to stop and take time to help a family in need is a beautiful gift and blessing.

Thank you, thank you and thank you!

With all my love,




  1. Nichole Lacy | December 23, 2014 at 9:32 pm

    Love you, love you, love you!!!!

  2. Jen Griffin Wilson | December 23, 2014 at 9:50 pm

    We love each and everyone of you like family! We are truly blessed to have been on this journey with you. God is good!

  3. Anne Osbaldeston | December 24, 2014 at 2:55 am

    Love you so much. Your whole family has blessed our lives forever.


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