Celebrate With Us!


This letter was sent out to family & friends. I want to post it here just to share it with those who didn’t get it by email or in the mailbox 🙂


Dear Friends,

I’m writing to catch everyone up on what’s been going on with us over this last year. It has been one of the most challenging years of my life.

Many of you already know, but for those who don’t; Tamika (my wife) was diagnosed with aggressive stage-3 breast cancer in April 2014. After 12 months of fighting (chemo, surgery, follow up treatments) her recent scans are clear and she is cancer free!!!

I can’t even begin to describe the joy that this news brings me. Even as I type this I’m overwhelmed with just knowing that my wife is still here…that our story is not over 🙂

I know that some of you are hearing this news for the first time. If you want to catch up on the story you can visit Tamika’s website: https://cancer36.com

We created this site to share our story and encourage others. Feel free to share this with anyone you want. As someone who has been through it, I can attest to how encouraging  it can be to read someone’s else’s story of hope 🙂

To those of you who have been involved along the way, I want to thank you. My family is truly blessed by the love and encouragement you shared with during this journey. Thank you for the meals, the rides, the donations, the letters – it was amazing to have so many people show us love.

Tamika is doing great overall, but she is tired all the time. I’m told this can last for months – even years. The recovery process is unlike anything I expected, but it’s a walk in the park next to the treatments and surgery 🙂 So we’re taking it slow, enjoying every day – loving every minute of this amazing life we get to share together.

The Invitation

I want to invite you (all of you) to join us as we celebrate!!! Last year’s birthday (for Tamika) sucked. She was sick, barely able to smile…it wasn’t fun. So this year we’re inviting everyone to come celebrate her life 🙂

 – Join us on Saturday June 6th at 4pm for a backyard BBQ & Potluck –
For details & to RSVP visit: facebook.com/cancer36 or email me
Family • Friends • Kids • Games • Music  • Food • Swimming • Fun

 One Request

This fight for Tamika’s life has left us with a pile of medical bills. In the beginning we raised about $7,000 dollars to cover some of the initial out of pocket expenses. But with a new year (2015) comes a reset on our deductibles and we’re looking at around $25,000 in bills still remaining.  We have insurance, but not every procedure (or doctor) is covered by the new insurance plans.

Please consider a donation to help us not be buried by debt as we recover from this battle with breast cancer. You can donate online at https://cancer36.com/donate or send a check to:
– Tamika Steffenauer – 7700 Santa Ynez Ave – Atascadero CA 93422


I look forward to seeing many of you in June and wish you all the best as you make plans for your summer. 

With much thanks & much love,

William Steffenauer

 ps. Tamika’s real birthday is June 1st 🙂




  1. Kirsten | May 8, 2015 at 3:49 pm

    Yay!! So happy to hear. I’ll be there. And I’ll donate 🙂
    LOve you guys!

  2. Jennifer | May 8, 2015 at 9:34 pm

    We’d love to celebrate with you guys and would love to help out financially too. Love you guys! -Jen


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